Ingredients: 1 Packet of thin puff pastry, 150 gr. butter, 150 gr. crushed Walnuts or crushed Pistachios.
Ingredients for the syrup: 0,5 Ltr water, 0,5 Kg Sugar and 1 – 2 drops of lemon juice.
Preparation of the syrup: Bring the water, sugar and lemon juice to the boil in a pan, then allow it to cool. Preparation: Cut the thin puff pastry into pieces the size of your baking tin. Melt the butter in a pan. Now, piece for piece, coat half of the pre-trimmed puff pastry with the dissolved butter and lay them in the baking tin, one above the other. Spread the crushed walnuts or pistachios over the prepared puff pastry. The remaining pieces of puff pastry are to be similarly coated with butter and laid one above the other on the nuts. The rest of the dissolved butter (without the fat) is to be poured over the Baklava. Cut the Baklava into squares or a shape of your choice. Bake in a pre-heated oven at ca. 170 – 180 ° C for 40 minutes until gold-brown. Allow the Baklava to cool and then serve.